I am Jakub - a Creative Leader who believes in Design Thinking and Healthy Culture.


My leadership style is anchored in the principles of extreme ownership, where I take full responsibility for the success of the teams and projects I lead. Authentic leadership is not about authority; it's about taking ownership of challenges and relentlessly driving solutions. I prioritise outcomes over outputs, emphasising that success isn't defined by completing tasks but by the tangible impact we create.

Empathy and open-mindedness are at the core of my leadership philosophy. The most effective leaders are those who understand the perspectives and needs of their team members and value diverse viewpoints. I foster an environment where everyone's voice is heard, creativity thrives, and collective insights lead to groundbreaking solutions.

As a design leader, I've embraced these principles not just to meet the demands of the digital product design landscape but to exceed them. I'm driven by the belief that exceptional leadership is about empowering others, fostering innovation, and delivering results beyond expectations.

Who I’ve worked with.


My approach to design is rooted in a deep appreciation for the power of user-centric thinking and the transformative potential of innovation. I've embraced methodologies like Design Thinking and Lean UX, which form the foundation of my creative process. These approaches enable me to dive into users’ minds, empathise with their needs, and ideate solutions that push the boundaries of possibility.

Additionally, I hold a certification in Digital Product Design from the International Software Quality Institute, reflecting my commitment to adhering to the highest ISO standards in the industry. My design work isn't just visually appealing; it's robust, secure, and user-focused, aligning seamlessly with international quality benchmarks.

Amazing clients have allowed me to produce work I am proud of.


In digital product design, where innovation and collaboration intersect, fostering an inclusive culture is paramount. My approach goes beyond design thinking and innovation; it's deeply rooted in empathy towards every team member.

The success of any endeavour is built upon the bedrock of strong interpersonal relationships. I prioritise open-mindedness and empathy in understanding our users and how we relate to our fellow team members. Every perspective matters, and every team member's voice is valuable in our collective journey towards excellence.

This culture of empathy and open-mindedness is inextricably linked with the art of effective communication. Solid communication is the lifeblood of any thriving design ecosystem. We create products that genuinely connect with users through open dialogue, active listening, and mutual respect. Our projects are successful because of our expertise and our collective strength in communication, empathy, and a shared commitment to success.

I’d love to work with you.